The Susquehanna Area of Narcotics Anonymous

is part of the Free State region of Narcotics Anonymous. Located in the Northeastern corner of Maryland, the Susquehanna Area contains both Harford and Cecil counties and the towns of Aberdeen, Abingdon, Bel Air, Churchville, Edgewood, Elkton, Forest Hill, Havre de Grace, Joppatowne, Northeast, Perryville, Port Deposit, and Rising Sun. Located at the edge of the Maryland state line, we also offer a limited number of meetings in Delaware and Pennsylvania.

Click here for Susquehanna Area meeting list!



***Note to mobile phone and tablet users: Navigation menu for this site is located at the bottom of this page (Special Events, H&I, Public Relations, Area Policies, Area Minutes, Forms, etc.). Desktop and Laptop users; use the left-side navigation menu. Find real-time announcements on Bulletin Board below:

Special Announcement Bulletin Board




Special Events Newsletter Sign up!!!


*** New FB Page: Susquehanna Area of Narcotics Anonymous 

***LATEST SASC Minutes

*** Previous Minutes 

*** New (2023) CAR Report


Congratulations to the newly elected SASC members! (2024 – 2025)

Chair: Paul L Vice-Chair: Mindy C Secretary: Jessica  Treasurer: Amanda B Alt Treasurer: Amy L Literature: Adam H RCM: Jeff H  RCM II: Ellen H & IJess N  Web Site: Kevin D   Policy: Melissa S  Phone Line: Danielle D  PR: Pete B Special Events: Coale G

Susquehanna Area Service Committee Time and Location Information

St. Mark’s Church, 175 St. Mark’s Church Rd., Perryville, MD 21903. The next meeting will be held on 03/13/25. Subcommittees meet at 6:00 PM. The general business meeting begins at 7:00 PM. All subcommittees need support.


Meeting Updates:
Brothers in Arms MOVING
Union Chapel United Methodist Church
1012 Old Joppa Rd., Fallston, MD, 21085
Thursdays 7pm
New Meetings:



Meetings That Need Support

  • Delta, Wednesday @ 7 PM – 8:15 PM, Delta Senior Center, 5 Pendyrus St, Delta, PA 17314


  • Work in Progress Mondays at 07:00 PM
    1980 Trimble Rd. Edgewood MD





Looking for a Service Commitment?

PR needs help completing drops!!!  Text or call Pete B            (Tel: (410) 688-5352).

Add your name to the Phoneline 12-Step Call List!!! REQUIREMENT: 1 year or more of “Clean” time, working knowledge of the 12 Steps, and a want to be of service. Email or call Danielle D or Tel: (410-322-0484).

Help carry the message through H&I! Click Here!


Susquehanna Area 7th Tradition

“Every NA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.”

Money Orders Can Be Sent ToSusquehanna ASC, P.O. Box 845, Havre de Grace, MD  21078


Cash App Tag: Please use the included QR Code below:



Alternative Meeting Resources Online Meetings


Drug Problem? Need to talk to someone?

Please call the NA Hotline @



Please remember to update the site administrator of meeting closures or changes on the below form or email us at: