Open Phoneline Positions

Open shifts: number of available shifts:

  • Mon 7:30am-1pm (1)
  • Mon 1pm-5pm (1)
  • Mon overnight 11pm -Tues 7:30am (1)
  • Tues 5pm-8pm (1)
  • Tues overnight 11pm -Wed 7:30am (1)
  • Wed 7:30am -1pm (1)
  • Wed overnight 11pm -Thurs 7:30am (1)
  • Thurs 1pm -5pm (1)
  • Thurs overnight 11pm -Fri 7:30am (1)
  • FRI 7:30am-1pm (1)
  • Fri 1pm -5pm (1)
  • Friday overnight 11pm-Sat 7:30 (1)

Also, visit us on Facebook


Hotline: (800) 317-3222


The Susquehanna Area Narcotics Anonymous phoneline, also known as a helpline, may possibly be an individual’s first interaction with Narcotics Anonymous and a gateway to recovery. A call to the phone line can make a major difference in whether an addict makes it to an NA meeting or receives the information necessary for he/she to survive the next twenty-four hours.

Helpline teams contribute to building relationships with people and organizations both inside and outside of Narcotics Anonymous. These include groups that regularly encounter addicts such as law enforcement, advocates for the homeless, and social welfare organizations that have an interest in helping addicts to live drug-free lives.

  • Phoneline volunteers need to respond to callers in a way that makes them feel like they matter. Volunteers bring their experience and their public relations awareness to this important service opportunity
  • Phoneline volunteers engage with callers in a sensitive, appropriate, and helpful manner.
  • Phoneline volunteers should have leadership qualities such as integrity, the ability to listen, and sound judgment (see the Concept Four Essay in Twelve Concepts for NA Service for more details). Also, essential in providing phoneline service are an understanding of the importance of public relations, the ability to relate well to other people, and the ability to communicate and to stay calm under pressure. These traits are important because phoneline volunteers often must perform in high-pressure situations and because they are likely to be the first contact that people have with NA.
  • Phoneline volunteers use NA literature to present an accurate and positive message of recovery as well as to clarify that the NA program is separate from treatment centers or other twelve-step programs.
  • Phoneline volunteers offer website information ( to callers to provide meeting information as well as NA recovery literature.
  • Phoneline volunteers make no commitments on behalf of service bodies or the NA Fellowship as a whole. If a professional or member of the public contacts an NA helpline, volunteers provide information about NA, solicit information from the public contact, and follow up with the appropriate trusted servant.
  • Phoneline volunteers often manage difficult calls, such as calls from addicts who are under the influence of drugs, prank calls, and calls from those who suffer from mental illness. Phoneline volunteers are not counselors or crisis workers. A threat to commit suicide, homicide, a drug overdose, or talk about being a victim of violence are all examples of crisis calls. When we receive a crisis call, we make every effort to contact the appropriate persons or agencies.

If you are interested in serving as a member of the Susquehanna Area Phone Line team; contact us using the below form:

11/16/2023 jf